Who are we?

We are an award-winning group of healthcare professionals, academics and university students who collaborate to help tackle the blood and organ shortage in the UK especially amongst the Black and Asian communities.We are NHSBT funded to deliver amazing interactive events and resources to support others to register their informed choice and discuss how important it is to share this choice with others.

Events, Outreach and Social Media campaigns that we run to raise awareness about Organ & Blood Donation and your work could be part of this journey!

Are you interested in gaining practical experience of Graphic Art whilst working alongside a leading Illustrator?Sarah Akinterinwa is an author, illustrator and New Yorker Magazine cartoonist. She is also the creator and artist behind the Black-British cartoon Oyin and Kojo.What will you learn through this opportunity?> Create a graphic comic that will be used by The Donor Research Team
> The mentorship programme will guide you in the creation of a graphic-medicine comic that explores the barriers to conversations about blood and organ donation in ethnic communities.
> You'll learn how to to use visual art to raise awareness about this important topic
Who are we looking for?== This 1:1 mentorship opportunity is part of the University's Centre for Arts and Wellness Project==Open to all students who have experience in creating graphic art and can demonstrate ==how this opportunity will relate to your course==Values that we are looking for in a successful student are: dedication, commitment, enthusiasm for graphic art and an eagerness to learn and benefit the public through your work!